Bianca Blance

  • Super sexy Italian wrestler Bianca Blance is taking a bike ride and stops at a local park to use the restroom. When she goes inside, a thief comes out from hiding and steals her bicycle. Bianca comes out of the restroom and sees the man peddling away and she takes off running after him. Fans of Bianca know she is an incredible athlete, but little did the thief know that he couldn't out peddle her. She chases him down and when he ditches the bicycle she pounces. Bianca is a force to be reckoned with when she is just having fun on the mat, but when she's angry? Watch out! Bianca strips down to her tiny pink schoolgirl g-string, revealing her incredible all-natural physique, and twists the dude into all sorts of debilitating holds and scissors. Luckily for her (and us) there was noone around to see this very public ass-whipping, or we might've had to bail her out of jail, lol. Holds of note include: rear naked choke, body scissor, head scissor, belly punching, ball grabbing, head scissor, shoulder riding, side figure 4, hip thrusts, grapevine, jackhammer, figure 4, flexing, facesitting, reverse head scissors, death grip, reverse figure 4, pussy choke straddle, leg snaps, front scissor, ankle scissor, death grip, and pretzel pin. Bianca is a whirlwind, and we could see this exact scenario playing out, if anyone is stupid enough to steal her bike! UTCS-242, The Ride of His Life is 11 minutes in length. Enjoy!
  • When we found out Bianca Blance was traveling to Germany last month, we reached out to our friend Foxxy Squeeze to see if she wanted to meet and wrestle against the female Italian (wrestling) "Stallion,"  Bianca is a 5'7," 135 lb yoga practitioner, natural athlete and session wrestler from Italy.  Foxxy Squeeze is also 5'7" as well, but 149 muscular pounds.  In setting up this match, we learned that Foxxy had never actually wrestled competitively against another woman before.  Indeed, her reputation is built on kicking men's asses in sessions in her home city of Frankfurt.  But Foxxy is a gamer and she figured, "hey if I'm gonna go up against another woman, why not go up against one of the best!?"  Bianca takes Foxxy under her proverbial wing and teaches her some man squashing scissorholds (coming out in another video) before this match, and encourages her new German friend to be aggressive in wrestling against her.  But there's no way Bianca is actually going to let Foxy submit her.  So in UTCS-219, Bianca Blance vs. Foxxy Squeeze, it's largely business when our two session wrestling beauties go at it. Bianca comes at you from all angles. She's really strong, deceptively fast, cunning, and her technique is getting better each day. Foxxy thinks she's defending Bianca's advances, and then BOOM, next thing you know, Bianca has her cruel legs wrapped around Foxxy's core.  Anybody who has ever wrestled against Bianca knows, her body scissor is no joke. It literally paralyzes you, and only the strongest athletes survive the fall, or even the match once that occurs.  Still, we found Foxxy to be an entertaining, good natured and sexy participant.  Please enjoy Bianca Blance vs. Foxxy Squeeze!
  • Bianca Blance is a 5'7", 135 lb yoga practitioner, natural athlete and session wrestler from Italy.  Muscle Dolly is a 5'6", 150 lb female bodybuilder and session wrestler from Hungary.  Both these women are well known in wrestling sessions and videos so it was natural to match these two against each other in UTCS-209, Truly Competitive, Bianca vs. Dolly!  This is a classic battle of the bodybuilder (Dolly) vs. the fitness enthusiast (Bianca.)  On paper you would feel that maybe Dolly, with her strength, muscle mass and weight advantage might win out.  But Bianca's strength and conditioning is second to none and she is training ongoing in BJJ, wrestling and boxing.  So as Kip always says, "that's why we play the games!"  Early on in the match, Bianca is able to trap Dolly in a guard body scissor right up under Dolly's ribs and earns a quick tapout.  However, in the next face-off, Dolly is able to pull Bianca into her guard.  Bianca, twisting to try and free herself from Dolly's strong legs gives up her neck accidentally and Dolly gets Bianca in a brutal headlock.  For the next 2.5 minutes Dolly squeezes the crap out of Bianca, but the determined  Italian "Stallion" never gives up.  Eventually tiring Dolly, Bianca miraculously escapes, completely turning the tables on Dolly and winning the fall with a cross body pin and Kimora.  We've seen this behavior before with Bianca, where she makes an early mistake, but because she is relentless in her will to survive and never tapout, she is able to outlast and exhaust her opponents to where victory becomes inevitable.  And there it is, Dolly is game the rest of the way, but with her strength advantage zapped, she becomes no match for Bianca's superior conditioning and skill.  Indeed, Bianca is just getting warmed up!  You can see the body language of the 2 athletes shift, with Bianca triumphantly flexing after each fall and Dolly looking visibly shaken and frustrated.  But Bianca enjoyed this day and goes hard on Dolly, forcing the Hungarian to retaliate with whatever she has.  In the last fall Dolly tries to save face and fervently attacks Bianca, but once again falls prey to a vicious body scissor.  Please enjoy, UTCS-209, Truly Competitive, Bianca vs. Dolly!
  • KO  vs Bianca Part 2, "The Scissor Battle" picks up where part 1 left off with KO earning a tap on Bianca.  Her victory is short-lived however as the Italian wrestling babe is angry.  She feels her legs are every bit as strong as KO, so she sets out to prove it.  The 2 wrestlers square off in leg wrestling, then a classic scissor battle, seeing who can get the other woman to tap.  They trade off holds, thigh scissor each other, head scissor each other, and even dueling, double reverse head scissors.  At one point KO traps Bianca in a vicious body scissor, but Bianca turns the tables and captures KO in a powerful "hangman" reverse figure 4 scissor. K and Bianca are 2 of the worlds best session wrestlers and this entertaining battle for the ages features 2 sexy women at the top of their wrestling game!  TRT 12.5 minutes, enjoy! Watch the preview clip here!
  • KO vs. Bianca!

    13 Mins. $9.95
    Haven't we all been waiting for this for some time now?  A living legend in female and mixed wrestling, KO,  squaring off against soon to be legend in her own right, Bianca Blance.  First a "tale of the tape," measuring segment, then arm wrestling, and finally competitive grappling.  KO has been in the mixed wrestling scene for roughly 15 years now, while Bianca has been one of the most active female and mixed wrestling participants for the last 4 years.  KO is known for her massive size, incredible strength and jiu jitsu skill, while Bianca is known for her competitive spirit, level of fitness, speed and endurance, and her scrappy, "come at you from all angles" style.  UTCS-199, KO vs. Bianca is a classic size vs speed battle and on paper you might give it to KO just on reputation alone, but as they say in football, "That's why they play the games!" It looked to us as if KO was a little smitten with the beautiful Italian wrestling babe, Bianca, but then who isn't?  So maybe this is slightly less than full on competitive, but it is entertaining to say the least.  At one point near the end, both women are tired and sweaty and Bianca sneaks around to climb on KO's back.  Watch how the crafty veteran escapes Bianca.  Who wins? You'll have to watch KO vs. Bianca Part 1 to find out!  Part 2 is coming out next week and is a retaliation scissor battle!  The preview clip can be found here.  TRT 14 minutes, enjoy!
  • Christmas With Bianca!

    16 Mins. $14.95
    Bianca Blance, is a genuine free spirit. Giving of her time to many friends and family, she has an energy and enthusiasm for life, exceeded only by her passion for exercise, yoga, nutrition, and combative sports. We learned recently of her love for Christmas, because for her, it epitomizes the spirit of giving, physically, emotionally and spiritually. So when Flavio says he doesn't like Christmas and insults Bianca's tree that she has worked 3 hours on, she decides to give him her best gift of all ... a severe scissoring gift wrapped in a sexy red thong bikini and "naughty or nice" Santa hat. This is a snapping, chopping, slamming, scissors-fest, delivered by one of the hottest women in mixed wrestling today. Bianca shows up in amazing condition. It's hard to fathom that this woman can be in any better shape than the last time we saw her, but it's true. She has an iron core, and an iron will when it comes to the tenets of Christmas. Poor Flavio doesn't know what hit him and told us this was the most severe scissoring he's ever had in his career as a jobber.  I think he just converted, lol.  Holds of note include scissors from many angles including, head scissor, figure 4, standing scissor, front scissor, front figure 4, devastating throat scissor and throat scissor 4, several humbling reverse scissors and reverse figure 4's, snapping, chopping and slamming, facesitting, flexibility, flexing, and victory pose. The preview clip can be found here.  Please enjoy, UTCS-198, Christmas With Bianca!  TRT 16, enjoy!
  • Vampirella!

    10 Mins. $8.95
    Fresh for Halloween is a special rendition of Vampirella starring sexy Italian wrestler Bianca Blance.  We realize it's a double dose of Bianca this week, but when you got it, flaunt it!  We love Bianca, because she is an all-natural beauty, has an incredible body, is exceptionally skilled in every fighting form, and she puts 100% effort into every clip.  We shot this on location in a local cemetery.  But don't worry we were in an undeveloped area of the cemetery, so no graves were desecrated in the making of this clip ... er just Vampirella's that is!   It was one of those days when the moon was out before the sun had fully set, so Vampirella rises from the grave to totally thrash our dude King.  Bianca, dressed in a genuine Vampirella costume complete with black boots and fangs, really looks the part of the undead beauty.  Then she energetically breaks out a ton of mixed wrestling, grappling, pro, amateur, and scissor holds to make this a really entertaining clip.  Eerie music and excellent camera work by Kip round out this production.  Holds of note include: Head scissor, figure 4, body scissor, arm bar, grapevine, camel clutch, banana split, full nelson, hammer lock, death grip, HOM smother, front and reverse facesitting, aerial side scissor, front scissor, scissor slams, scissor snaps, several reverse head scissors, reverse figure 4, tons of flexing, and a victory pose.  Bianca personifies Vampirella and we have specially priced this clip to entertain you this Halloween and beyond. The preview clip can be found here.  Vampirella is 10 minutes in length, enjoy!
  • Every time we ask Bianca Blance to wrestle for us, we are continually amazed at what this gorgeous Italian woman brings to the table.   She is getting stronger and more muscular each time we see her, and she continually adds new moves and holds to her repertoire.  She is one of the most capable, and energetic women in mixed wrestling and we give you her contact info so you can have your ass handed to you in a session of your own!  In UTCS-182, Fanboy Beating, Bianca is hanging out catching up on her emails between matches when Fanboy Ed walks up to her and sits right down next to her.  She asks him nicely at first to go away, but he persists.  When she tells him "go find another girl to speak with," Ed gets insulted and says "Is this how you treat your biggest fans?"  Well that sets Bianca off.  She climbs right up on him and puts him in a front scissor, and pulls him down onto the mat still tightly gripping his neck.  She slams her thigh down across his neck several times before changing positions into her "signature" reverse scissor and reverse figure 4.  And that's how Bianca rolls.  She's wrestled Ed down and incapacitated him twice within the first minute.  Her thighs are lean and incredibly strong, but when she presses her scissor they become thick and massive, unyielding slabs of iron.  He's being strangled and mashed at the same time. Everything from that point on is a blur of arms, legs and pain as she completely dominates him.  Then when you least expect it, she grabs your man-meat and let's you know how truly vulnerable you are in her presence!  The first time we ever shot with Bianca we showed her the scissor slam, snap and chop techniques, but she has taken them to a new art form.  Several times and from several different positions she raises one of her thighs off his neck and repeatedly slams it back down, then she crosses her ankles and snaps you in and out with them.  All he can do is grit his teeth, go along for the ride, and pray she doesn't decapitate him.  Other holds of note in this incredible action-packed 10 minutes of wrestling are: camel clutch, Boston crab, banana split, grapevine, straddle, flexing, ball grabbing, standing scissor, front scissor, aerial side scissor, classic scissor, reverse scissor and reverse figure 4.  Bianca Blance  just keeps getting better all the time, and this video is pure evidence that she's one of the hottest women in mixed wrestling! The preview clip can be found here.  Enjoy!
  • The Scissor Squad is what might happen if Charlie's Angels were expert scissor goddesses and dressed like dominatrix's.  It stars session wrestling phenoms: Sheena, Bianca Blance, and Lora Cross.  Meet any of these sexy women one on one in a session and you're about to get your ass handed to you.  Face all 3 of them at the same time?  No telling what might occur, but we were willing to go along for the ride!   In MW-150, The Scissor Squad - All,  our three heroine's first take turns dismantling him one on one, and then they expertly team up on him, two on one and three on one. Sheena takes control at the beginning by completely woman-handling him with a Boston crab, body scissor and grapevine, before crushing the daylights out of Steve with grueling front scissors, reverse scissors and reverse figure 4's.  Sheena is the queen of inducing panic in her reverse figure 4, as she ignores his taps while smothering him.  Then it's Bianca's turn and she immediately goes to her signature scissor chops and scissor snaps, before treating Steve to "the Washing Machine!"  A reverse facesit where Bianca quickly shifts her hips back and forth right on Steve's face.  Bianca is in tremendous condition, and she is really powerful too. When she gets to scissoring, you better hold on, cause it's gonna be a rough ride!  You can tell Steve is shaken and doesn't know what's coming next.  In this case, it's Lora's turn and she mounts Steve and titty smothers him.  Her legs are amazingly fit, muscular and strong and she attacks Steve's head, and then Bianca and Sheena join in on the fun.  Next Sheena liftis Steve off the mat by his shirt, and then sends him head over heels to the mat with a perfectly executed one-arm shoulder throw.  From there the squad swarms on him like bees on honey.  They take turns singled up on him, then double and triple team him for some incredible mixed wrestling scissors fun.  There's head scissors, grapevine, figure 4, body scissor, choke, side scissor, side figure 4, front scissor, ankle scissor, foot worship, facesiitting, and tons of flexing.  Near the end each woman takes their turn trying to break his neck in their scissorholds.  Will he perish?  The Scissor Squad is 25.5 solid minutes of non-stop action by 3 ultra-sexy, dominant women, at the top of their wrestling games. See the clip that the "Cowards" at C4S refused to post because of a prop gun, and get Sheena's, Bianca Blance's, and Lora Cross' contact info at the end of the video.  Enjoy! The preview clip can be found here.        
  • The Scissor Squad is what might happen if Charlie's Angels were expert scissor goddesses and dressed like dominatrix's. It stars wrestling phenoms: Sheena, Bianca Blance, and Lora Cross.  Part 2 picks up exactly where part 1 leaves off, with Sheena lifting Steve off the mat and then sending him head over heels to the mat with a perfectly executed one-arm shoulder throw. From there the squad swarms on him like bees on honey. They take turns singled up on him, then double and triple team him for some incredible mixed wrestling fun. There's head scissors, grapevine, figure 4, body scissor, choke, side scissor, side figure 4, front scissor, ankle scissor, foot worship, facesiitting, and tons of flexing. Near the end each woman takes their turn trying to break his neck in their scissorholds. Will he perish? Check out the scissor squad part 2 to find out what happens! The Scissor Squad full version is in the 25 minute range and will be completed and released within the next 2 days. The Scissor Squad, Part 2 is 12 minutes of non-stop action by 3 ultra-sexy, scissoring sirens.  Get Sheena's, Bianca Blance's, and Lora Cross's contact info at the end of the video.  TRT 12 minutes, enjoy!      
  • During the filming of UTCS-175, The Scissor Squad Part 2, Sheena executes a one-arm shoulder throw (Ippon Seoinage) on Steve, sending him crashing to the mat.  Afterwards Bianca Blance asked Sheena if she would teach her how to do that, and the idea for this video was born. These 2 women have become great friends and Sheena is more than happy to turn Bianca into more of a badass than she already is. First Sheena and Bianca take turns lifting Flavio onto their shoulders and do squats as a warm up, then Sheena demonstrates the one-arm shoulder throw (Ippon Seoinage) throw on Flavio.  Then Bianca takes her turn, and they do it a few times until she has it right.  Sheena shows Bianca how to execute 2 more throws as well.  A pro wrestling "Monkey flip," and a traditional wrestling "Fireman's Carry."  The 2 women carry each throw to the mat and show some possibilities of holds they can apply on the ground so there are a few short holds demonstrated as well. Armbar, reverse scissor, and reverse figure 4.  A true one-of-a-kind clip only from  TRT 14 minutes, enjoy!
  • Unless you've been hiding under a mixed wrestling rock some place, you undoubtedly know of one of the hottest women in wrestling. I'm speaking of course about Bianca Blance!  Bianca is an all natural, incredibly sexy, wrestling babe from Italy and she showed up to the shoot in unbelievable shape, with a wasp-like, 6-pack core!  Masked behind her incredibly hot body, is an intelligent woman with a sharp wit, and genuine acting ability. Couple that with boundless amounts of energy and enthusiasm, and you get a small picture of who Bianca is as a person.  What we have come to know about her, is if you have an idea for a video that she can get behind, OMG, sit back and watch it play out.  Such is the case with "UTCS-172, Intruder Alert!"  When we approached her with the idea, she was all in, and this has quickly become one of our favorite videos in our 30 year history!  This video is HOT and we're not just saying that. It has essentially 2 scenes, one in a bedroom and one in a shower.  This is the story about what might happen when a night stalker enters the wrong woman's bedroom.  When he awakens her from her sleep, he unleashes a wildcat.  Scissor after mesmerizing scissor all delivered with savage, break neck speed, intensity velocity and force.  We're talking scissor slams, scissor snaps, front, reverse, classic, standing, facesitting and flexing.  Our dude Steve is also along for the ride too and he told us afterward he was literally frightened of what might happen next!  At one point after nearly knocking him out, she says "are you dizzy?"  When she takes him into the bathroom, she strips him down to his skivvies and reverse scissors him right on the floor before taking him into the shower for more scissoring and facesitting before she completely knocks him out in a brutal classic scissor.  Then she orgasms right on the back of his neck!  Finally a video as hot as Bianca and one for the ages, is this weeks offering on  Enjoy!
  • Recently we had the honor of pairing 3 of the hottest women in mixed wrestling, Sheena, Bianca Blance, and Lora Cross. and we brainstormed the idea for "The Scissor Squad."  Indeed, meet any of these sexy session wrestlers one on one, and you're about to get your ass handed to you.  Face all 3 of them at the same time?  No telling what might occur, but we were willing to go along for the ride! For lack of a better explanation, The Scissor Squad is: what would happen if Charlie's Angels were expert scissor goddesses and dressed like dominatrix's.  How would they extract information from their enemies?  Well in this rendition, they would first take turns dismantling him one on one, and then they would expertly team up on him, two on one and three on one.  The Scissor Squad full version is in the 25 minute range and this is Part 1. Part 2 and the full version will be released in the next few weeks.  Sheena takes control at the beginning by completely woman-handling him with a Boston crab, body scissor and grapevine, before crushing the daylights out of Steve with grueling front scissors, reverse scissors and reverse figure 4's.  Sheena is the queen of inducing panic as she ignores his taps.  Then it's Bianca's turn and she immediately goes to her signature scissor chops and scissor snaps, before treating Steve to "the Washing Machine!"  A reverse facesit where Bianca quickly shifts her hips back and forth right on Steve's face.  Bianca is in tremendous condition, and she is really powerful, when she gets to scissoring, you better hold on, cause it's gonna be a rough ride!  You can tell Steve is shaken and doesn't know what's coming next. In this case, it's Lora's turn and she mounts Steve and titty smothers him.  Her legs are no joke; amazingly fit, muscular and strong and she attacks Steve's head, and then Bianca and Sheena join in on the fun.  The Scissor Squad is 14 solid minutes of non-stop action by 3 ultra-sexy, dominant women, at the top of their wrestling games.  Enjoy!
  • Bianca Blance is an all, natural, incredibly sexy, wrestling hottie, from Italy.  An athlete since she was a young girl, Bianca has developed her strong, fit body and wrestling prowess to expert levels.  But don't get her angry, because she also has a fiery temper that Italian women, in particular, are notorious for.  In UTCS-163, Don't Keep Bianca Waiting, Ed is 45 minutes late for his video with her.  She has worked herself up to a frenzy and is just about ready to kick Kip's ass, when Ed knocks on the door.  When she opens the door, he pushes past Bianca and lays on the couch complaining about traffic.  This further infuriates her and she pounces on Ed, capturing him in a brutal front scissor.  This was supposed to be a video in which Bianca was to show off her entire repertoire of wrestling holds, but he had her so worked up all she could think about was scissoring Ed's face off!  And she does just that!  Holds of note include two separate reverse scissor/reverse figure 4 sequences in which Ed spends nearly 5 minutes up close and personal to Bianca's gorgeous ass.  And, two separate front scissor / front scissor 4  sequences.  One in which she smunches his face so tight in-between her muscular thighs that it actually disappears, and the other containing scissor chops and slams right up to the point where she actually squeezes Ed full power and knocks him out!  Then she straddles him with her legs flared to the side and puts on a flexing show, before standing over him in her victory pose.  We all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if Bianca isn't the sexiest wrestler on the planet right now, she's right up there with the best of them!  TRT 14.5 minutes, enjoy!
  • Sexy, all natural, Italian, wrestling babe, Bianca Blance returns to Utopia in a rematch with Ed.  Bianca completely annihilated Ed in UTCS-141, so at the open of UTCS-144, she tells Kip, "I had so much fun in the first match, I want to wrestle Ed again."  But when Kip tells her Ed is done for the day she says "I want to wrestle, I take what I want!"  and she drags Eddie back onto the mat.  This is one of the sexiest videos we've shot in some time.  First, Bianca is in tremendous shape and just exudes sex appeal, and second she is wearing a super tiny slingshot bikini with her gorgeous brown hair down.  About half way through, she moves the bra out of the way and uncovers her breasts. And yes, they are real, and they are spectacular!   She is proud of her body and her knowledge of wrestling holds and she works Ed over with an energetic ass-whipping from start to finish.  Holds of note include: takedown, body scissor, rear naked choke, grapevine reverse scissor, reverse figure 4, side scissor, side figure 4, facesitting and a straddle where Bianca places her cookie right under Ed's chin and says "Do you feel the power of my pussy?"  There's also an ankle choke where Bianca sits on Ed's face and flexes, and another straddle where she opens and closes her magnificent, muscular thighs and humps up and down on Ed, saying "I'm riding your face!"   Then she finishes Ed off with her signature reverse figure 4, while grabbing Ed's package, and an innovative reverse facesit she calls "The washing machine!"  Then a double bicep victory pose while standing on Ed's cock, where she tells us her email address so you can get a private session wrestling beatdown of your very own.  Bianca is one of the sexiest women ever to grace a mixed wrestling video and she's right here, right now, on! TRT 11 minutes, enjoy!
  • Bianca Blance is a sexy, all-natural, athlete from Italy who has taken up wrestling and grappling in recent years.  Growing up near the Italian Alps as a little girl, Bianca competed in tennis, dance, swimming and skiing.  She has a positive, engaging personality, and loves to have fun, but a fire rages inside her to compete, and win!  When going against her on the mat, you better bring your "A-game" because Bianca will embarrass and dominate you with incredible strength, speed, endurance and a startling repertoire of holds.  UTCS-141, Bianca vs. Ed is another Installment of "Holy Shit, This Woman Can Really Wrestle,"  in which we measure Bianca on camera, show her incredible Squeeze-O-Meter™ presses and she treats us to some excellent flexibility moves and posing.  We aren't going to reveal her max, but Bianca has the strongest press on Squeeze-O-Meter™ 2.0 to date ... well over 300lbs. of pressure.  This is the sexy mixed wrestling video you've been wanting Bianca to make, in which she pulls off her top half way through and bares her beautiful natural breasts, talking smack the whole time in her sexy Italian accent.  Ed tries to take Bianca down at the beginning with his signature leg sweep, but Bianca is too quick and gets behind Ed right away for an intense body scissor and rear naked choke that has Ed tapping in under a minute.  Then she lets him go and Ed tries another sneak attack but Bianca again gets the upper hand and flattens him out with a punishing grapevine and breast smother.  Ed is already tiring and Bianca is just getting warmed up.  Next is a grueling headlock, followed by her fantastic reverse head scissor and reverse figure 4.  Then she flips him over and secures a tight full nelson/body scissor combination that has Ed suffering again.  Then she straddles him in a schoolgirl pin, removes her top then crushes his face with some belly smothering as she sinfully laughs at his predicament.  Next she pulls his head in tight rolls him over and front scissors him with her pubic bone right up under his chin and savagely presses up turning his face right red.  When she releases it, he is putty for another one of Bianca's devastating reverse scissors and reverse scissor 4's!  Then it's humiliation time as Bianca sits on Ed's face, grinding and bouncing as she flexes her awesome biceps and says "My ass covers all your face!"  Then Bianca flips him over one last time and traps him in a camel clutch with a rear naked choke in which she puts Ed completely to sleep.  Lastly she stands over him victorious and tells us she had so much fun she wants to wrestle him again.  Coming soon!  Bianca is one of the hottest women in mixed wrestling and she's right here on Utopia.  TRT 19 minutes, with 11.5 minutes of solid mixed wrestling.  Enjoy!


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